
drive.ai 的自動駕駛技術

這家公司的共同創辦人兼CEO Sameep Tandon告訴我們,目前他們的車隊已經具備L4級別(部分狀況下的完全自動駕駛)的自動駕駛水平!這是很特別的一種方式!


Self-driving car technology is being developed by most major automakers, automotive equipment suppliers and start-up companies such as Drive.ai. The intent is to eliminate the 95 percent of fatal car accidents every year that are attributable to human error.

Carol Reiley, President and co-founder of Drive.ai, said the 20 or so people on staff came from Stanford's Artificial Intelligence Lab, and decided to put their PhDs on hold to solve the problems self-driving cars will face. The company focuses on deep learning, sometimes referred to as machine learning, a relatively new area of computer science. With deep learning, rather than responding to a set of specific instructions, computers can extrapolate from prior experiences.

Using deep learning programming, a car's computer can accurately identify what its sensors perceive, then decide how to react to each situation. However, pedestrians in an urban environment can by very unpredictable in their movements, or, as Reiley puts it "people are very dynamic in their decision-making."

在自動駕駛領域,基本可以分成兩個流派:一個是採用經典機器人方向,是基於規則的(rule-base) 的。工程師會為每個場景都寫好固定的代碼,來告訴機器人應該怎麼去做。這樣的結果是,如果新的場景出現、又沒有對應代碼的話,那麼機器很可能就不知道怎麼應對。這就嚴重限制了它的可拓展性。



Its differentiation from Intel, Google, Tesla is its lower cost or dependency on hardware. We can say drive.ai is software-driven driverless technology, and others are sensor-driven one.

