
GSMA台北日物聯網座談 遠傳 中華

FET 李浩正
5G is the future for IoT.
5G application: Smart health, AR/VR, smart transportation, smart city (FET has deleted some circles that not work).
Smart health: Remote healthcare, telemedicine, mobile diagnosis, remote surgery,
其中最大的進展師推出Public kiosk, but the difficulty is the connection with hospital and ecosystem.
AR/VR application: 石化廠區全部都放進去VR, application, training or simulation of firefighter. It will be displayed in the smart city show.
Smart car/transportation: automous car, connected bus stop, connected trucks, 每台車將車上路況全都錄,傳到雲端,供給後需車輛使用, 利用基站搜集大數據供給路況使用
Smart city: 台南巷弄app, 台南水利4G搜集台南水里土石流資訊
IoT network option: Lora, NB-IOT, Sigfox
Amazon go

CHT 黃英裕 Stevenson special assistant to President
Topic: smart city and IoT business
Based on the report of McKinsey 2015, smart factories, smart cities are key potential economic impact.
Smart city includes energy, safety, transportation, smart living (health, retailer, home, education), agriculture
Focus on 4 major territories: building, home, ITS and utilities.
Smart city Intelligent operation center will collect big data analysis and then take artificial intelligent assistant to support.
Asian Silicon Valley Development Plan by National development counsil,
Smart Taoyuan city project includes logistics, health care, transportation and industrial parks.

CHT's IoT platform:
It focused on 4 areas: ITS (smart transportation), iGEM ( green energy mangt), IVS( intelligent video surveillance, 70 thousand camera in Taiwan), HOME (Smart building/home 社會宅, 遠雄, 日勝生)
CHT did not include smart health like FET. The speaker admits he felt embarrassed.
iGEM, use case in Hsinchu for smart LED street light.
IVS: 23K in New Taipei city and rent from CHT. Theft cases are dropped by 31% and the detection rate rises to 53% now.
ITS: fleet management and smart bus arrival information.
CHT is a big company and its innovation is slower.
Telecom lab and training institute are developing these areas: AI, big data analysis, IoT security, NB-IOT network, creative application.
The other key role is to implement the Taiwan Asian Silicon Valley Development Plan.

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