

  Analysys Mason

It is published regarding the predictions for IoT in 2017 - the main points are below and you can see the full article here

Analysys Mason's expectations for IoT in 2017

  • Operator strategies:

    • Telecoms operators will be under pressure to grow IoT revenues faster, possibly through acquisitions.

  • 5G:

    • IoT will become less important to 5G.

  • LPWA:

    • The first truly commercial NB-IoT networks will be launched.

    • NB-IoT technology will be heavily promoted.

    • More unlicensed LPWA and LTE-M networks will coexist in 2017.

    • More fixed operators may build IoT networks.

  • Spectrum:

    • Spectrum needs for IoT and Radio LANs (RLANs) will increase in prominence.

  • Regulation:

    • Regulators will consider increased oversight of IoT.

  • Connected car:

    • We expect to hear much more about V2X and network connectivity for autonomous vehicles.

  • Smart energy:

    • More utilities will embrace 'energy transition' fundamentals and adopt new operational and service models, supported by new technology.

  • Smart city:

    • There will be an increased focus on investment models to support the implementation of city-wide energy efficiency systems.

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