
日本物聯網的資安經驗- CCDS

CCDS connected consumer device security meeting in Tokyo
座位先安排好, 坐好後,先確認每個人的桌上的資料,一項一項確認好後,才開始會議。

在消費者的裝置上,因為消費者的app很多並存公用, 所以即使一個中毒,就會造成所有的app 都受到影響。即使個別的app 安全, 但駭客可以在其中一個弱點侵入,影響其它的部分。所以如果探討整體的安全等級,將會以全部的最弱的等級為整體的等級。As different product domains have different safety levels, the total security level will be at the lowest product when they are connected.
Safety vs security 產品本身的安全, 系統的安全預防
safety, means to protect consumers’ safety.
security, means to protect system’s weakness.
IOT service value > security protection cost.
4 dimensions: functions, requirements (regulation), countermeasures, quality

life device / consumer devices, 是由消費者使用的, 不是由專業人員操作的。
Home, office, public, car,
HEMS home energy management service
Homer AV server (content)
Healthcare server, robots,
Office area networks
Public area devices (like ATM)
New services (portable devices, telematics, driving recorders)
ITS & vehicle safety (Road side unit, automated driving, V2X)

3 key working directions:  security technology, usability, vulnerability test.
Regarding vulnerability test center it includes the following parts: car- communication unit; car - car body control; home - home network; ATM, POS, IoT platform

CCDS 的外部合作夥伴,
NISC:   National incident  strategy for cyber-security
IPA : security guideline recognition.
Okinawa: IoT vulnerability evaluation and test bed

目前只有guideline, 未來需要成立認證機構verification & validation
usability : 如何讓UI design 成為 security countermeasure?由 Ueyes’ design主導
device security technology:透過晶片來作為security counter measurement?由 seltech 主導, DNP(dai nippon printing )協助

因為這個組織開始的時候,是從設備的角度切入,消費者看到的,就是設備,所以以設備為主。近來,考慮到服務, 則把服務供應商拉了進來。電信業著還在比較後面。
