
39 works

double desk structure,
1st floor enterprises for existing operations
2nd foor entrepreneurs for innovation 

entrepreneurs 0 --> 1
seeing the big picture, empathy,
smart risk taking, hunger to achieve,  

manager elite 100-->100
max employee utilization and pursue the financial performance 

how to do for innovation in large company?
1.leverage corporate resources (hire talents, platform, brand, channels,..)
2.embody corporate vision
3.remove a small innovation team outside big company. (policies, procedures, politics not impacted by big company.)
4.det a full commitment from CEO.
5.take regulatory risks. (ex. medical regulation)

Ex. item 3.
Skunk works from Lockheed Martin
39 works from Docomo 
39 means 39th floor, which means the innovative team located in 39th floor of Docomo. 

institution No and individual yes
make organization nimble
experimental test w/ lower cost

how to utilize present company resource and integrate outside resources?
innovator trinity: hustler 總經理兼具銷售, hacker 技術工程, designer產品設計

lean startup model:
idea, <build>, product, <measure>, data, <learn>
agile development

Real innovative cases:
1.medical care, agriculture area coming soon
2.communication bear robot
Iwaya manufacture
Moore Doll, bear doll
Bitech electronic, electronoc
Docomo: channel & SIM
3. xtone, yukai & docomo- smart parking platform

large company will pursue planning conscious, but startup will focus on planning and fulfillment.
