
MWC SH- internet of things

An article from Ivan Chan, n Tzeh Chyi Chan, Accenture

accenture convened a group of 30 experts to summarize and answer these two questions.
gow can we get started and what changes are expected?

It finds 8 important actions for companies
1.ecosystem, shape it or get boxed it, creating open n robust infrastructures
2.platforms, from fragmented to several major providers, open structure, fuctional capabilities, future extent n integration
3. interoperabilities, need plug n play playform instead of proprietary one.
4. as a service business model. make buyers just pay for what he wants on demand
5. security, authentication control,
6. edge analytics, analysis data from its source instead of sending it to remote data center to computing, so actional insight is to be analyzed fast
7. device interface. users not only use touch screen, instead , natural language, gesture commands,
8.artificial intelligence, smart devices based on cognitive computing, machine learning, voice recogntion.
