
Computex : AI人工智慧(游直翰)

Appier CEO gave thespeech in English, who studied in NTU, Stanford and Harvard.

His presentation:
AI 就是給機器有類似人的思考能力。how to make robotic learn and think even behave like human beings.

First product: AI for game
AI for enterprises, marketing data, data analysis.

Everyday AI
Facebook feeds or social networking contents are generated by AI. AI can judge the correct or relevant information for specific people.
Use machine learning to find pattern to help commercial decision or business marketing.


Interactive Talks:
How can you make machine smarter? In 2003, most people in Watson Lab made robot. He made dog to learn and think. It was a different way in computer science then.

AI is the result of machine learning.
Machine learning is the process to analyze the data or big data.

