
物聯網- 應用支持平台AEP

遠傳電信宣布攜手全球企業應用及技術平台大廠PTC,引進旗下ThingWorx物聯網應用支持平台(Application Enablement PlatformAEP),透過核心管理平台、資訊傳輸與應用開發的垂直整合,打造在地「物聯網生態系(IoT Ecosystem)」,並將於下半年度陸續舉辦招商大會及黑客松(Hackathon)等活動,號召各路合作夥伴共同投入智慧物聯應用的開發,站穩帶領台灣企業邁入物聯網時代的龍頭地位!(詳細新聞請看http://www.ithome.com.tw/pr/106363)


根據abi research, 4Q 2014的研究報告的摘要我們得到下列資訊
(1)    pplication Enablement Platform (AEP) 的核心價值在提供 ease connectivity, device management, and data collection activities of any IoT solution.
(2)    誰會提供AEP? 第一類: Intel 與晶片廠商(Telit, Gemalto, Oburther) 自己開發AEP , 從晶片商延伸到平台SP;  其中原本平台軟體公司ILS, Axeda, ThingWorx, 等分別被Telit, PTC併購,
根據Machnation在去年底做的研究找出23AEP平台來做比較然後根據他們的Flexibility of deployment model, Focus on developer, Sophistication of platform and device management, Comprehensiveness of overall platform, Depth and breadth of strategic partnership networks, 5個指標將他們排出4詳細情看https://www.machnation.com/2015/12/30/machnation-publishes-2015-iot-application-enablement-scorecard/
Aeris Communications (AerCloud)
Amazon (AWS IoT) 
ARM (mbed) 
Autodesk (SeeControl Autodesk)
Ayla Networks (Ayla IoT Platform)
Bug Labs (Freeboard)
Carriots (Carriots)
Cumulocity (Cumulocity)
Davra Networks (RuBAN)
Electric Imp (Electric Imp)
EVRYTHNG (EVRYTHNG Smart Products Platform)
Exosite (One Platform)
IBM (Internet of Things Foundation)
MachineShop (MachineShop)
PTC (ThingWorx IoT Platform)
SAP (SAP HANA Cloud Platform for the Internet of Things)
Sierra Wireless (IoT Acceleration Platform)
Telit (IoT Portal)
Waylay (Waylay) 
Xively (Xively) 
Yaler (Yaler) 
Zebra Technologies (Zatar)

此外今年初這個網站 https://dzone.com/articles/iot-software-platform-comparison 根據 Device management?  Integration,  Security,  Protocols for data collection,  Types of analytics,  Support for visualizations? 等指標評比11個物聯網軟體平台也值得參考。
