

Peter was very upset and went drunken. Christine decided leave Peter.
Peter's friend Paul(union leader of shipyard)complained and blamed Peter. Peter became self-blamed.

Frank slept with Zoe, who was intentional to lure Frank. Frank came home and Claire was vey unhappy. Claire claimed to get the donation from Remy and Frank denied.
Zoe left Washington Herald and joined Slugline. Tom was laid off by Margaret.
Zoe met Frank in her house again. Naked and taken pictures, she was a new generation and played a dangerous game with a fox.

Marty came to see Frank. Frank told lies to Marty. First he inserted a salary term into amendment, and he deleted a local fund to teachers' association. Marty will fight back.

Claire arranged a gala donation dinners. Frank helped to invite many congressmen to donate. The lump sum was around 1 million dollar. But Claire was still unsatisfied. The party was held in a Hotel. But Marty influenced the union to strike for the hotel. Frank called a lot of congress staffs to support the party. and then the party was very successful.

When the party was held in the hotel, Marty brought a lot of people to protest cross the street. But Claire was clear enough to share the food for these protesters and make the protest failed. Zoe came to the hotel and protest to write somethings.

As Matthew became VP so its governor in Pen state will be re-election. The DNA(domestic national association) held a meeting to discuss the candidate. Frank discussed with Dugg Stamper. Frank played a trick again. He will recommend Peter Russo to race the campaign, but he foresees Peter may not work well. His intention was to pull back Vice President. And then the VP position may become vacant for him.

Peter drunk more and came to Frank's home, Frank retained Peter in house and taught him. Frank gave Peter a hope to run for governor.

F 看來就不真誠,一直想要耍別人,耍了一個又一個,C 偷偷會情人,心中只有自己的基金會的收入,Z 就是一個一心想要攀緣麻雀變鳳凰的小女生,犧牲貞操與父執輩,都不足惜。P 則是花花公子的議員,沒有主見,不能代表民意,一臉酷帥,卻覺得軟弱無力。
