

zoe,janie,lucas合作追出peter 死亡的真相,詢問Paul(造船工會代表)是否出馬競選議員缺?從 paul 的嘴巴,了解當初關閉造船廠,是否有人施壓?Janie 也在試探zoe是否就是frank 的情人? Zoe went to see frank to ask the background of shipyard closure. Frank did not tell the truth. Zoe would protect herself from being marked by dirty exchange, she did not disclose too much.

janie came to visit christina, but she was interrupted by Stamper. Janie guessed frank was the player. Zoe said Womack may be the key person. Janie is very smart to link Peter, Womack and education bill. Zoe went to find Roy (classmate of Kern who lose in Secretary of State). She met Roy's girlfriend (a dancing naked girl) and found Peter has ever met Roy.

Zoe came and ran into see Christina to tell her she may be interested in something. Christina found something strange and was curious to help Zoe.

President talked with Linda he wants to name Raymond Tusk as VP. P said he was not familiar with Tusk and he would delegate someone to evaluate Tusk. Frank would play the role to meet Tusk in St. Louis.  frank 很擅長的,即使他不認同總統的想法, 他都會先稱讚總統的決定是英明的,人選是很棒的,補充說明總統的提名原因,用來跟總統sync想法。
Frank fly to St. Louis to meet Tusk. Tusk is a millionaire in nuclear industry. Frank stayed in Tusk's home. They chatted in the first mid night and talked about the habit of knock on table. Frank said it is a habit to bring luck and courage. They talked in the morning of second day, Raymond didn't talk too much.

Stamper helped Frank find President is familiar with Raymond and they have ever met many times. It tells the truth that President may use Raymond to review Frank as VP candidate. It is reverse way.

"Your recommendation comes of price." Raymond raises a favor to ask Frank support and then he will recommend frank as VP.  Raymond 不願冒險說出他的請求,Frank  不接受空白支票來交換條件。這是高明的處理, 當有人拿一個職位來跟你交換,卻要你答應一個事。這一定是件困難的事。如果frank接受,就表示他急著權利,也許就出局了。所以,frank就離開了,不願意談。

frank& stamper 分析Raymond的 background and try to ask Sancorp to merge Raymond.
Raymond focused on nuclear business. Sancorp focused on natural gas and well drill.
frank tried to fight Raymond.

claire 與 gillian起衝突,因為claire 接受remy的幫助運出壓在蘇丹的濾水設備,claire要幫助remy 在波扎那拍攝影片,為sancorp group 環保背書。 gillian反對為不環保的單位背書。Gillian defends the activity and claire laid off Gillian.
