
Kerlink, Actility,Semtech 介紹看 Lora

1.     Kerlink 公司簡介 :

l   KERLINK, located within the Rennes Atalante science and technology park, operates in the M2M (machine-to-machine) communications market with an offer of communications products (Linux systems, GPS, GPRS, WLAN) and managed services enabling fixed (energy meters) or mobile (vehicles) equipment to be linked to a company’s information system.

l   KERLINK was founded in July 2004. For more information: www.kerlink.fr

l   2013年採用Semtech(Lora 標準的創始公司)的晶片, 生產 Lora gateway, 但不生產sensors

2.     Lora 介紹

n   The LoRa Alliance for Wide Area Networks for the Internet of Things is an open, non-profit association of members that believes the internet of things era is now. The Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) specification is intended for wireless battery operated Things in a regional, national or global network. LoRaWAN targets key IoT requirements including secure bi-directional communication, mobility and localisation services. The mission of the Alliance is to standardise LPWAN to enable IoT, M2M, smart city and industrial applications, to guarantee interoperability between operators in one open global standard. Officially launched at the Mobile World Congress in March 2015, the Alliance has already attracted more than 300 members. LoRa is a trademark of Semtech Corporation. Please visit http://lora-alliance.org for further information. - See more at: http://www.iotinsights.com/tag/actility/#sthash.0DsyZjdg.dpuf

n   LoRa Alliance_Solution provider: Actility, Cisco, IBM, Kerlink, Semtech……

n   LoRa Alliance_Operators:Bouygues Telecom(法國), KPN(荷蘭), Singtel(新加坡), Proximus(比利時), Swisscom Fastnet(瑞士), SK telecom(韓國)

n   自2013開始,陸續已建置約3000個LORA IOT STATION,約有46個POC/trial projects

n   Lora 所需要的基地台站台數, 大約是3G的1/3~1/2, 以法國的經驗, 15000站, 大約需要5000~7000個Lora基站, 因為在郊區, 大約15-20KM才需要一個站台, 市區約1.5~2km一個站台。

3.     Kerlink 產品介紹(Lora IoT station)

n   LORA IOT STATION訴求低成本與低耗電, 耗電率4w的電力, 相較於3G/4G BTS 200~1Kw 的耗電, 非常省電

n   使用頻率為ISM,主要為 169M & 868 MHz, 3G/Ethernet 8 channel’s  IoT sation 已經上市,

n   2016/Q1 將上市carrier grade 64 channe’s IoT Stations, 而且支援3角定位, 可以做geo-location tracking, 目前 KPN 正在測試中, SKTelecom 也在評估中

4.     Kerlink 產品介紹(Outdoor Wirgrid, Wirtrack or Wirma, 非Lora 產品)

n   裝在車上的追蹤模組, 內含GPS/3G/GPRS模組的設備, 可以當作車機使用

n   裝在電表的Wirgrid RF module 與Wirgrid station, 也是採用868MHz ISM band,  未來可以換成Lora 技術

5.     Kerlink 業務發展

n   法國的服務分兩類, 目前以private operator 廠商居多。建置費用成本結構,CAPEX 占40%,OPEX 占60% ;  private: 工廠客戶可快速管理自己M2M物聯網與相關連接服務整合。Public : 提供一個公共網絡,讓大型營運商提供具有高品質,大容量的連接物聯網網絡服務。

n   法國主要應用, 包含street light management, smart metering, parking slots, 目前orange 正在POC

n   SK telecom, 目前推出兒童的安全手錶, 內插SIM卡, 緊急時按一個鍵可以發出求救訊號並發出所在位置資訊, 未來希望可以改用Lora, 將透過合作夥伴 :Nable Communication 來整合服務

n   Tata 在印度也想要採用Lora 技術推出婦女安全的手表, 合作夥伴是Orbiwise (提供 LPWA的雲端平台)

n   Abeeway 提供企業專業的Lora追蹤服務, turn key solution, www.abeeway.com; 他也有消費者版的Lora追蹤器 www.apyapp.com,

n   Itnovem  法國系統整合商,提供貨運追踪解決方案,建置3000 station可以掌握鐵路貨運GPS位置

n   2015/6 剛成立新加坡office 負責亞洲地區的推廣,

6.     Actility & Semtech介紹

n   鴻海集團於2015/7宣布,將攜手荷蘭 KPN 風險投資公司(KPN Ventures)、Ginko Ventures、法國最大電信公司 Orange 及瑞士電信 Swisscom 等公司,共同參與 Actility 的新一輪融資,總投資額高達 2,500 萬美元,並加入 LoRA 物聯網聯盟。

n   Actility is an industry leader in LPWA (Low Power Wide Area) large scale infrastructure with ThingPark®, its next generation, standard-based IoT communication platform. Actility was founded in 2010 by telecom and technology expert Olivier Hersent. Headquartered in Paris, Actility has offices in Belgium, the UK and Singapore. It is a founding member of the LoRa Alliance: the largest, most powerful standards-based effort to enable the Internet of Things. Please visit www.actility.com for more information. - See more at: http://www.iotinsights.com/tag/actility/#sthash.0DsyZjdg.dpuf

n   Actility 的M2M的通訊平台, 叫做 ThingPark®,主要 for low-power sensors used in SmartCity, SmartBuilding and SmartFactory applications. (http://www.thingpark.com/en) LoRaWAN networks address the three critical elements required for IoT networks connecting billions of devices: low power, long range, and low cost. ThingPark represents the first end-to-end, LoRaWAN interoperable platform to serve the IoT market for every use case. “Today’s wireless technologies are not optimized for IoT applications which require sensors to be low power and able to run on a battery with very little maintenance. ThingPark provides the technology to connect both long range and low power sensors over unlicensed ISM band spectrum, allowing low cost and fast roll-out of IoT networks for a wide range of IoT applications,” said Olivier Hersent, Founder, CEO and CTO, Actility. - See more at:  http://www.iotinsights.com/tag/actility/#sthash.0DsyZjdg.dpuf

n   Semtech Corporation is a leading supplier of analog and mixed-signal semiconductors for high-end consumer, computing, communications and industrial equipment. Products are designed to benefit the engineering community as well as the global community. The company is dedicated to reducing the impact it, and its products, have on the environment. Internal green programs seek to reduce waste through material and manufacturing control, use of green technology and designing for resource reduction. Publicly traded since 1967, Semtech is listed on the NASDAQ Global Select Market under the symbol SMTC. For more information, visit www.semtech.com.
