
物聯網-三年前的研討會-Smart connected devices

回顧2012年大家就在探討 smart connected devices,當時M2M已經普遍的在討論,只是台灣還沒炒熱這個話題。


M2M communications can exist in practically any environment and market. Currently, successful implementations exist for cell towers, oil and gas pipelines, jukeboxes, vending machines, vehicles, security systems, electric metering, game systems, home appliances, and more. These implementations are yielding significant results. As more devices become networked and enabled, M2M adoption will increase exponentially and have many unseen impacts on our daily lives.

那時候還沒看到embedded SIM solution, 但是 SIM management platform 開始被討論。包含Jasper, Ericsson 都已經開始在推廣雲端的服務。時間真的過得好快!
