

最近從鴻海投資法國Actility的新聞以及下周GSMA 世界移動大會物聯網峰會也會討論到LPWA的議題我們再深入來了解LPWA的動向包含LoRa (long range)Sigfox的競爭方向。

 第一篇文章提到IBMCisco都加入了由SemtechLoRa Alliance, 這種技術可以涵蓋50公里的範圍採用ISM 頻段來提供服務。看來他的最大競爭對手法國的SigFox公司,該公司已經在法國建設80%的涵蓋都會區密度大,鄉村區則30~50公里涵蓋。目前積極拓展到英國與荷蘭等區。

IBM, Cisco Back Semtech's LoRa Radio for IoT by Peter Clarke,  14 January 2015


 LoRa (Long Range) is a low data rate, long-distance communication protocol used by Semtech Corp. (Camarillo, Calif.) to provide industrial, home and building automation networks and for which it provides chipsets. Applications can range from smart utility metering, smart city and smart home to longer distance industrial, agricultural and environmental sensor networks.

 Lora Alliance members include leading IoT solution providers: Actility, Cisco, Eolane, IBM, Kerlink, IMST GmbH, MultiTech, Sagemcom, Semtech, and Microchip Technology, as well as telecom operators: Bouygues Telecom, KPN, SingTel, Proximus, Swisscom, and FastNet (part of Telkom South Africa).

 SigFox SA (Toulouse, France), a startup founded in 2009 which uses a proprietary ultra-narrow band (UNB) radio technology to provide a low-power cellular infrastructure dedicted to machine-to-machine M2M communications and IoT. The UNB radio operates in license-free ISM bands and combines with software-defined radio techniques performed at the basestation to achieve high sensitivity and therefore long distance communications at efficient energy levels. The basestations are said to operate over ranges of 3 to 10 kilometers in urban areas and up to 30 to 50 kilometers in rural areas. SigFox claims to have a network providing 80 percent coverage of France and has signed up operators in the Netherlands, Spain, UK and Russia. The LoRa Alliance and SigFox would appear to be in a race to build out IoT communications across Europe and the world. 參考 www.SigFox.com

 第二篇文章提到Sigfox 與英國的Arqiva合作布建英國區內的IoT Network, Arqiva 這家公司就是IOT service provider, 他跳過電信業者也因為採用 ISM頻段避開頻譜競爭的問題。

UK Joins SigFox's Global IoT Network Play by Peter Clarke (20 May 2014)


Arqiva Ltd., the leading owner and operator of communications infrastructure in the UK, is planning to create a national network dedicated to the Internet of Things (IoT) and has said it will use technology from French startup SigFox SA. 

 可以參考網站www.arqiva.com Arqiva 網站可看到他的主要股東 Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) with a 48% holding, Macquarie European Infrastructure Fund 2 (MEIF 2) with 25% and IFM Investors (IFM, 澳洲基金) with 14.8%. Motor Trades Association of Australia (MTAA) holds 5.2% and Health Super Investments Pty Ltd (a division of the First State Superannuation Scheme) has a 5.4% holding. A number of small minority holders managed by Macquarie make up the final 1.5%. 國外創投已經看到這個趨勢了。

 顯然我相信 ISM頻段必然就會有干擾或頻段壅塞的問題這部分的討論需要再等其他的閱讀來了解。

 第三篇文章提到去年底華為併購的NeulHuawei Buys Neul for IoT Thrust by Peter Clarke, 24 September 2014


Neul has suffered a degree of project-creep during its four years of existence but its main claim is that it helped pioneer the Weightless standard for light-touch connectivity that would be suitable for IoT applications. The standard was initially aimed at TV white space (TVWS) spectrum but last week the body that looks after the standard – the Weightless Special Interest Group – launched Weightless-N, a variant of the standard aimed at deployment in unlicensed spectrum in the region 800MHz to 900MHz such as the 868MHz band in Europe and the 900MHz ISM band in the US. The standard could also be deployed in licensed spectrum.

 後續沒有看到華為對Neul有那些新的動作也許Neul weightless standard 方面累積的經驗可以給華為參考卻無助於華為在IOT平台/電信網路/基地台上面的事業。華為的電信設備/基地台方面的業務,應該會著重在LTE的頻段上應用的技術也許是LTE-M等技術。

 第四篇文章提到LTE-M是什麼參考Sierra Wireless2014M2M summit的簡報, LTE-M將會分階段推出,預計第一代先解決low cost module, 傳輸速率<1Mbps;2017年第二代,解決 lower power & coverage enhancement; 相較LTE目前的 300Mps, 以及4G module US$ 50 的高成本有大幅改善。http://www.m2m-summit.com/files/jo_dressler_sierra_wireless_lte-changing_m2m-world_2014.pdf

 LTE-M Cat 0 

Lower cost CATegory 0 (56% cost saving compared to CAT 1)

Slower speed Max 1 Mbps UL/DL Data channel

Half duplex FDD

Mobility should be fully supported

Coverage Enhancement (CE) Capability

Designed to Improve coverage by 15 dB deep in-building penetration

Designed for ~stationary UE’s

Will require more network resources (i.e. cost/bit will be higher)

Deep low power

Added new “Off” like power state but NW context is stored

Increase LTE sleep from max 2.5sec to ~15min

100x power consumption improvement


Device-to-Device connectivity (like Mesh networks)

Deployment in unlicensed bands
