

看完蘋果橘子思考術,查查同作者的經濟學排名很前面。另有Gladwell為他在Amazon作評論,而葛拉威的幾本著作,排名第一的異數竟連續多年在new york times best sellers 前十名,於是買來一賭。

Malcolm Gladwell

Outliers #53

David and Goliath #336

Blink #414

Tipping points #465

What the dog saw #5664


Steven Levitt

Freakonomics #229

When to rob a bank #1678

Think like a freak #4609

Superfreakonomics #5604


Some others

Thinking fast and slow #63

The power of habit #125

Lean startup #317

Money, master the game #326

Nudge #1102

Age of ambition #4545

Being the boss #16,890

It’s all politics #233,184

The secret of handshake #316,486

6 habits of highly successful managers >#1 million
