TPD的 思路動力學
源自人類動態論(Human Dynamic)的思路動力學(Thinking Process Dynamics;TPD),自2010年發展以來,透過對人類思路類型的分析,幫助個人掌握自身天賦,不但有助於自我成長、找出人生方向外,更能了解他人的思路,讓彼此溝通得以更順暢。 本演講將與您分享思路動力學的理論與實用,讓您瞭解潛意識中不同型態的思路,希望能幫助大家找對方法、放對位置,讓人生過得更加悠遊自在!
Biz ecosystem
Adner, R.. Match Your Innovation Strategy to Your Innovation Ecosystem. Harvard Business Review, 2006, 84(4): 98-107,148.
Adner, R., Kapoor, R.. Value Creation in Innovation Ecosystems: How the Structure of Technological Interdependence Affects
Firm performance in New Technology Generations. Strategic Management Journal, 2010, 31(3): 306-333.
Kapoor, R., Lee, J. M.. Coordinating and Competing in Ecosystems: How Organizational Forms Shape New Technology Investments.
Strategic Management Journal, 2013, 34(3): 274-296.
Adner, R.. Ecosystem as Structure: An Actionable Construct for Strategy. Journal of Management, 2017, 43(1): 39-58.
Adner, R.. The Wide Lens: A New Strategy for Innovation. Penguin UK, 2012.
Moore, J. F.. Predators and Prey: A New Ecology of Competition. Harvard Business Review, 1993, 71(3): 75-86.
Iansiti, M., Levien, R.. Creating Value in Your Business Ecosystem. Harvard Business Review, 2004, (3): 68-78.
Kapoor, R., Agarwal, S.. Sustaining Superior Performance in Business Ecosystems: Evidence from Application Software Developers
in the IOS and Android Smartphone Ecosystems. Organization Science, 2017, 28(3): 531-551.
Adner, R., Kapoor, R.. Value Creation in Innovation Ecosystems: How the Structure of Technological Interdependence Affects
Firm performance in New Technology Generations. Strategic Management Journal, 2010, 31(3): 306-333.
Kapoor, R., Lee, J. M.. Coordinating and Competing in Ecosystems: How Organizational Forms Shape New Technology Investments.
Strategic Management Journal, 2013, 34(3): 274-296.
Adner, R.. Ecosystem as Structure: An Actionable Construct for Strategy. Journal of Management, 2017, 43(1): 39-58.
Adner, R.. The Wide Lens: A New Strategy for Innovation. Penguin UK, 2012.
Moore, J. F.. Predators and Prey: A New Ecology of Competition. Harvard Business Review, 1993, 71(3): 75-86.
Iansiti, M., Levien, R.. Creating Value in Your Business Ecosystem. Harvard Business Review, 2004, (3): 68-78.
Kapoor, R., Agarwal, S.. Sustaining Superior Performance in Business Ecosystems: Evidence from Application Software Developers
in the IOS and Android Smartphone Ecosystems. Organization Science, 2017, 28(3): 531-551.
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