"The five people you meet in heaven", is written by Mitch Albom.心得:这本书讲述的是人存在的哲理,人不可能独立于他人而单独存在。人的存在价值必须透过他人而彰显出来。
文章摘要与暗示:The story begins from an accident occurred in a play groud named "Ruby Harbor".Edward was a maintenance machenic, and he worked here for a long time. The day that accident happened was his birthday of 83 years old. In the accident, he tried to save a little girl and he died. When he arrived at the Heaven, he wondered if the girl was still alive or died.
In the Heaven, he met 5 persons. Some of them knew him but he did not acquaint them. But the others are those he knew and wanted to say sorry to them.
The 1st one is a blue man, who worked in the same play groud with Edward. The blueman died in a car accident that is caused by Edward's ball. Edward played the ball with his friends on the road in childhood, and that ball jumped out to the driveway. The blueman hit the ball and crashed his card and then died. Edward didnot know that, but he made it happen.Hint: in the life, no one can determine his future by himself. There is no fairness for anyone's death or survival. The 2nd man is the squad leader who led Edward in world war two in Philippine. The squad leader shot Edward's leg so as to save his life in the war time. When Edward knew the leader shot him, and he felt angry. Hint: anything should have different view. If the leader had not shot Edward, he might have died. But when he survived, he hated his leader in his life. So we should stop hatred and empathy any others.
The 3rd one is Ruby who is the establisher of the play ground. She loves playground and her husband establish one in the name of hers. In the beginning the playground had a good time. But they sold the playgroud to somebody after a fire accident happened. And her husband fell to unhappy life. Her husband stayed in the same patient room with Edward's death-approaching dad. Ruby knew Edward's parents ans she told some stories of them to Edward. She knew Edward hated his dad. But she ask him to forgive his dad and abandon any hatred. Hint: when anyone is full of hatred, he will become irrational to others. Forgiveness is the best way to live happier. Happiness is the core value of anyone life.
The 4th one is Magrate, who is Edward's wife. She died in 47 years old and left him stayed alone for more than 40 years. It was sad for him to love a died person. She asked him that did you anger me? She told him that love should be forever even though we were separated with a long distance. And love should tolerate any unhappy things. Because Margarate was hurt heavily in an accident when she drave to look for him who is addicted to gambling for money. And then she lose the function to give birth. She wanted a kid but he disliked adoption. Hint: she loved him so she drive to find him. He loved her so he gambled to make easy money. But both of them should stand on another side to think. Love needs good communication.
The 5th and last one is Tara who is the girl died in the explosion in the war in Philippine. She was innocent and she played near the millitary site when Edward ignited the fire. Then he saw a shadow in front of the site. He would run to rescue the being, but his squad leader shot his leg to hinder his running. His leader would rather hurt Edward than let him die in the dangerous explosion. Edward just had a conscience to save any being in danger without thought of himself. Both of them were righteous. And the girl was just a victim of the war. When Edward asked the girl whether he had rescued another innocent girl before he died. He said he pulled that girl and felt touching that girl's hands. Tara told him that she was the girl who did touch him and guide him here. Hint: the being is the truth. No matter what is the result, the moment is true. What we cherish is the moment of being here and trust to ourselves.