
How to Become Creative?

 •How to Become Creative?
–Take risk, expect to make mistakes
–Work hard, take frequent breaks and stay with it over time
–Do what you love
–Develop a network to freewheeling unstructured discussion
–Forget those romantic myths that creativity is all about being artsy and gifted and not about work hard
•TIME, Jan 23/2006

Segment, Target, Position, Forecast & Action
•分析自己的條件與外在環境  SWOT analysis & segmentation
•靜下心來想想自己要的是什麼? set life target first!
•經常保持正面的態度,想想自己的生命中 what is remarkable?  understand your current position and future vision!
•保持快樂的心情,享受生活與工作的甘苦。 make the optimistic and pessimistic forecast!
•活在當下,追求自我的成就與目標。take actions and moving forward with joy!